Change your Words, Change your Life by Andrea Gardner

I stumbled upon the book "Change Your Words, Change Your Life" while casually browsing the Toronto Public Library website. The title immediately caught my eye. Lately, I’ve been reading a lot about shifting mindsets to cultivate a more positive outlook on life. As someone who is constantly thinking about my craft, I’m always looking for ways to use it to create a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

I’ve been telling people about my trouble regarding the online shop—how it’s not getting many views or sales. Then it struck me: maybe I’m attracting this “no-sale” energy by constantly complaining about it. To bring a bit of brightness into my creative journey, I decided to give this book a try.

As I started reading, I was drawn to the author’s story about how her life seemed to spiral into more and more misery. Inspired to change her circumstances, she began writing down what she truly wanted from life—a process that helped her clarify the kind of environment she needed to foster healing for herself and her family. One particularly striking example she shared was when they were on the verge of being evicted from their tiny cottage. In a turn of fate, she managed to find a larger place to live for free. While it wasn’t the most comfortable house, it had a roof over her head and fit within her budget. It felt like a miracle.

The author emphasizes the power of gratitude, suggesting that by acknowledging and being thankful for what we already have, we open ourselves up to receiving even more things to be grateful for. Inspired by this idea, I decided to start writing down a list of six things I’m grateful for every day.

Around the same time, another book, "Second Chance," landed in my inbox. You might have read my review about it before. As I continue exploring these new perspectives, I’m excited to see what shifts may happen in my life and craft.

This is not the end of the review here. i will be adding more about how I will change my words to change the life in future articles as well.

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