I finished "Akin", a novel

 It was a long work week.

The subway train ride gave me a lot of time to read. Having a good book is a reward for the commute.

Noah is a retired professor and widower. He lives in the upper west. He is getting ready to start a trip to France, where he was born. He found few photos his mom had kept in an envelope and curious about why she kept them. Now, he hopes to find out the details of those during his trip. That is when social services called him. He has a great grand nephew, Michael, who needs someone to take care of him. Noah is the closest relative available for that job. Now, he is forced to take Michael for the trip.

A pre-teen and a senior citizen is not a peaceful combination. They argued about Micheal's Coke drinking to writing his travel journal. 

Within the two weeks, time at Nice, they found they like each other. Michael helped Noah to uncover the truth about his mom's photos. Now, Noah is relieved that his mother was helping Jewish kids to escape from the Nazis. Understanding the risks other generations have taken to protect loved ones, both Noah and Micheal grasp how akin they are! 

I loved reading it. The story makes me think about how Michael and Noah going to live their life together. Will Michael ever going to know how his father got killed and his mother got imprisoned? That is the beauty of a good novel. It makes us think and make stories for the characters.

Do you agree?

1 comment:

  1. Nice, yes I think so too, a good book is even when you have finished it , you are wondering about the parts left unsaid


Book a Week: Week 21 "A Town Called Solace"

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