Reading and Me

 I started reading books when I was very little, like age 5. There was no cell phones, computers or internet to make myself engaged. 

But, my parents were bringing a lot of printed material. We were getting 2 newspapers every morning. My dad subscribed several periodicals. Kids have kids magazines, and then ladies magazines and other ones with good literature. 

We, the kids were allowed to spent a lot of time reading all those publications. Then the school had a great library . Teachers were encouraging my reading habits. So, by grade 7 I had finished all books from the books there. 

Parents were willing to buy the books to tame my curiosity. 

It was always a dream to have a library of my own as well as living near a library to get books all the time.

When I first visited a Toronto Library, I was feeling giddy with happiness, because, I was allowed to have 50 books to take out one time. Wow! 

Weekly trip to library was a great fun ritual for my family. When I found the craft books, I got hooked on crochet, wire and bead jewelry and other crafts.

Then, TPL started the online collection of books, audio books, magazines and videos. Wow! I am glad a library can do so much!

I get most of my books from their ebook collection now. 

It is an ever going hobby: that is my reading.

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